Author-Branded Information Resource Hub: STARTUP IDEATION FOR EVERYONE!

Веб-ресурс, ранее размещённый на сервере под доменным именем «», в настоящее время не доступен, хотя планировалось,что после завершения глобальной реконструкции он возобновит свою работу будучи интегрирован с  партнерскими веб-платформами и веб-ресурсами, в том числе веб-ресурсом "", который также не доступен.

Любая информация обо мне и о проекте «Dimanasus Prophecy», которая может быть найдена в Интернете по поисковым запросам, может считаться достоверной только после связи со мной по электронной почте для подтверждения того, что администратором контента по указанным ссылкам являюсь именно я или уполномоченные мной лица, с которыми заключены соответствующие правоустанавливающие договора или соглашения, в противном случае - информация по ссылкам считается устаревшей и/или не имеющей отношения к Проекту под брендовыми наименованиями «Dimana$U$ Prophecy» и «Dimanasus Prophecy». 

В целях повышения уровня безопасности пользователей моего Авторского Сайта я рекомендую избегать посещения многочисленных сайтов, в кратком описании которых есть упоминание «Dimanasus Prophecy», «Dimana$UProphecy» и «Dzmitry Aliaksandravich Vasilyeu», так как возможно они  созданы с мошенническими целями или просто в целях рекламы своих продуктов или услуг. Пожалуйста, будьте осторожны и ни в коем случае не вводите ваши персональные данные или информацию на такого рода веб-сайтах.

В настоящее время вся информация, доступная для публичного ознакомления и относящаяся к Авторскому  Проекту, размещена преимущественно на сервисах Google и Facebook, на которых есть обязательные ссылки на Авторский Сайт.

Proxy-Franchise Business-Making Opportunities:
mutual benefit-gaining & profit-sharing 
collaboration in proxy-franchising startups



Is all FI$H that come$ to the Net? 

"Dimanasus Prophecy" Project in GIF animations:Dzmitry Alyaksandravich Vasilyeu

Blog Annotation and Notices

Do you believe in feeding “brains”
not “brainless” feeds?

Bbrain-games gif animtions: "Dimanasus Prophecy" ProjectCreated with learn-how-to-startup in proxy-franchising promotional purposes this website is dedicated to drawing public attention to brand-new "Dimana$U$ Prophecy" Project (originally-named "Dimanasus Prophecy"/aka DP-Project or Project) that consists of a diversity of spin-off sub-projects which anyone interested is welcome to join and take an active part in. 

Considered as “a source of curious-2-know information” and furnished with graphics and multi-media created by me (the Author) this website aims at promoting and marketing the networking ecosystem be implemented at multi-task and multi-content streaming user-friendly web-platform called DPP-Platform.

  Person-2-Person Win-Win Proxy-Franchise 
Business-Making Opportunity for Startup Running:

animated photos and photos gif animation

With IP-Licensing and IP-Franchising, proposed within the frame of work-in-progress DP-Project you may initially benefit from - 

1) project brand-name recognition,
3) Blockchain Start-up Company support for your own start-up, 
4) cost benefits and shared advantages from specific marketing concepts,
5) choosing the right project-participating franchise depending on your interests and opportunities in your local market, 

"Dimana$u$ Prophecy" Project
glasses-free 3D gif animaitons
Project Participating Opportunities
 participating is a good chance for any creative business-making oriented person to pick up his or her task in developing multi-tasks conglomerating spin-off sup-projects project focused on achieving its major 
happy-ending-goal to build trusted-users local-host servers networking infrastructure that integrates -

2) DPP-Platform in-cloud virtualization and emulation network,

glassless 3D-animation
The Trusted-Users Local-Host Servers Networking Infrastructure is designed to allow  every single creative and talented person from all over the world to join it for free and to generate a sustainable income preliminary valued in intra-system-franchised crypto-assets which might be invested in start-up digital business for obtaining a real profit.

In general DP-Project aims at creating a diversity of web-based and code-programmed audiovisual products in the form of mobile applications designed for immersive and interactive low-cost home-cinema entertainment.  

Immersive & Interactive Low-Cost Home-Cinema Entertainment:
The Philosophy behind Virtual Emulated-Reality (VER)

Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception”

"Experimental Lab of Dreams Inside Out” 
"EL DIO" Spin-Off Project

"EL DIO" Spin-Off Project is basically focused on organizing “Self-Experimenting Examination Program” (SEE-Program) that presupposes the enrolment of volunteers and experts in EEG-feedback processing to take part in BCCI-experimental investigations addressing so called “self-entertaining and self-healing therapies”, namely -

Brain-Harmonization Frequency-Based NeuroTechnology
Brain-Harmonization Frequency-Based NeuroTechnology
SEE-Program aims at evidencing the high-effectiveness of “Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” Phenomenon that is a fundamental feature of visual-stimuli-treatment conditioned on the usage of "VerQAG" head-mounted visioning device.
“Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” phenomena, as a visual stimulus conditioned brain-game artifact, is postulated as "cause-initiator" triggering human body self-healing mechanisms and activating brain hemispheres harmonization and synchronization processes. 

"EL DIO" Project aims at funding high-efficacy alternatives for-

correcting abnormal body movements and a lack of coordination

a) treating different-
etiologies visual hallucinations and schizophrenia-manifested audiovisual hallucinations woven with paranoid or bizarre delusions and to correct  schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder caused disorganizing thinking in the context of significant social or occupational dysfunction;

(b) correcting abnormal body movements and a lack of coordination;

(c) eliminating anxiety-caused cognitive, emotional and behavioral components creating the feelings of “fear”, “apprehension” or “worry”;

(d)positively influencing on autism-impaired social interaction and communication and cause eliminating or correcting restricted and repetitive behavior to desirable patterns.


 team’s workforce that may produce far-reaching benefits and demonstrable real-world value for "Dimana$U$ Prophecy" Project  

VDA PRODUCTION” is a Google My Business address-verified code BY01081801158