I, Dzmitry Alyaksandravich Vasilyeu, the Author and the copyright holder
of this work, hereby publish it under the Creative Commons
International License ( with “NonCommercial-NoDerivs” Attribution:
Some graphical content, if any road, has been used under the Fair Copyright Law 107/ provisions of sections 106 and 106A/ 17 U.S. Code 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights/Fair use) and belong to their respective owners/authors; no copyright infringement intended.
1. The audiovisual training programs developed
by me and based on usage of “VerQAG”
prototype-pattern equipped with headphones for listening specifically pitched brainwave-entertainment meta-soundtracks composed
using my guitar and piano, including synthesized, music compositions caused myself-hypnosis
meditative state of mind conditioned on being
immersed into pseudo-virtual reality emulative environment .
I theoretically consider that if “Bi-VisualFluctuations Perception” effect will be proved by conducting EEG-experimenting
thus my audiovisual training, being properly re-modified
and re-developed according to the specific user’s purposes and goals, and based
on usage of “VerQAG-Helmet” might be very helpful for:
- treating different-etiologies visual hallucinations and schizophrenia- manifested audiovisual hallucinations woven with
paranoid or bizarre delusions and to correct
schizophrenia or schizo-affective
disorder caused disorganizing thinking in the context of significant social or
occupational dysfunction;
- correcting abnormal body
movements and a lack of coordination;
- eliminating anxiety-caused
cognitive, emotional and behavioral components creating the feelings of “fear”,
“apprehension” or “worry”;
- positively influencing on
autism-impaired social interaction and communication and cause eliminating or correcting
restricted and repetitive behavior to desirable patterns.
If successfully proved, “Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” phenomenon working-concept of EEG-TMS brainwaves control feedback may play an essential role in finding the ways of treating a wide range of visioning disorders and sleep deprivation together with eliminating detrimental side-effects caused by modern technologies of virtual reality immersion such as motion sickness and false motor learning effect causing significant increases in nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness. More than that I am pretty sure that besides other behavioral changes such as stress, addiction, isolation and mood changes conditioned on the addiction to immersive virtual reality of modern technologies, “Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” phenomenon together with “Bi-Visual Virtualization” brain-game artifact exploiting may help to avoid much more risky health-harmful possibilities for virtual reality users to get suffering from a wide range of psychological and physiological disorders or deprivations, namely:
- “body disintegrating identity
disorder” characterized by the sufferer’s feeling like being potentially
happier living as an amputee;
-“supernumerary phantom-limb
integrity disorder” characterized by condition where the affected individual
believes and receives sensory information from limbs of the body that do not
actually exist and/or never been existed;
-“pseudo Huntington's Disease
and Schizophrenia disorder” characterized by affecting some aspects of
personality together with impairments in the perception or expression of
2. My regular self-experimenting of viewing “Quasi Anaglyph CineKnack Tech” imagery while practicing audiovisual trainings allowed
me to make the conclusions as followings:
- it is not causing fatigue, temporary nausea and headaches or
normal vision problems comparing with modern 3D technologies;
- it helps developing the mental ability of cognitive
associative mnemonic function and thus might be useful to treat cognitive
associative mnemonic dysfunction characterized by mental-acting of
verbal-expression manipulating with a term(s) that causes logical cognitive
The spatial visual perception
of “Quasi Anaglyph Cine Knack Tech” imagery that represents some concrete
knowledge about “something” with a usage of “VerQAG” may positively influence
on the people’s ability to change their wrongly perceived/understood concepts
for the correct ones.
3. Myself-experimenting and gaining success of having experiencing
“Natural Holographic Visioning” and “Natural anaglyph pseudo-long-sightedness”
allows making conclusion that there was no causing any harm to normal vision.
“Natural Holographic Visioning” and “Natural anaglyph pseudo-long-sightedness” provide
more enjoyment while viewing or watching corresponsive graphical media in the
forms of movies, cartoon, and animations, etc. screened on TV-set, computer or
mobile phone.
“Natural Holographic Visioning” best-working effect might be
achieved by observing or viewing (watching) wide-screened HD-graphics such as,
for instance videos of HD-movies, taking in account the followings:
-if screened on TV on condition of keeping the optimal “1:3”
distance proportion between the TV-set screen diagonal and the point of watching it together with specific
red-blue-green gamma and saturation controls adjusting;
-if screened at the computer on condition of keeping the optimal
“1:2” distance proportion between the computer screen diagonal and the eyes
together with specific brightness and RGB Color Space Profile .
anaglyph pseudo-long-sightedness” or shortly “anaglyph long-sightedness” natural 3D-visioning best-working effect
might be achieved by observing or viewing (watching) the anaglyph graphics
if being screened:
- on stretched out handheld smartphone or tablet (iPad);
-at the computer on condition of keeping the approximately
optimal “1:4” distance proportion between the screen-diagonal and the point of
viewing it;
-on TV on condition of keeping the approximately optimal “1:6”
distance proportion between the screen-diagonal and the point of viewing it.
4. The successful results of myself-experimenting and practicing audiovisual “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” training elaborated by me and based on virtually emulated reality immersion conditioned on viewing specifically designed graphic with the usage of “VerQAG” prototype allow making conclusion that hypothetically any individual might be trained to develop the ability of having experiencing vivid life-enriching hyper-realistic dreams. My definition of “vivid life-enriching hyper-realistic dream” concerns to the “event” which is desired by the individual to be experienced in a real life but cannot be experienced in accordance with its laws; and thus such “event” is virtually simulated for happening during the sleep while having a dream that gets as closer as possible to real life behavior, appearance, senses and etc.
I consider “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” aimed to help developing the ability of having experiencing “vivid life-enriching
hyper-realistic dreams” as, if not highly effective treatment, but at least a prophylactic
remedy for “clinical depression” characterized by a persistent lowering of
mood, loss of interest in usual activities and diminished ability to experience
pleasure and “anxiety” characterized by cognitive, somatic, emotional, and
behavioral components that create the feelings typically recognized as “fear”,
“apprehension” and “worry”.
in account the possibility that, because of conceptual and computational
difficulties, EEG self-experimenting analysis of rhythms with targeted
frequencies and their harmonic components of fast oscillations
at considerable power which are anticipated
to be caused by “Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” effect,
may produce negative result not proving aforementioned phenomenon or , on the other hand, scarcely proving either “Uni-Sync” or
“Anaglyph-Sync” specific visual perception, it is expected that such analysis
will set out finding interactions among rhythmic signals at different frequencies
caused by stimulus-specific way conditioned on virtual emulated reality
immersion. At the same time the EEG self-experimenting analysis will certainly
give a clue to elaborating newly-developed method of analyzing simultaneously
occurring rhythms of significant power at different frequencies with any
possible combination of targeted frequency pairs.
even though “Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” phenomenon is not going to be
experimentally proved by conducting EEG experimenting research the application
of “VerQAG-Helmet” employing electroencephalograph brain control feedback
interface and exploiting working together with “Knack Touch” Communicator has
still-no-doubt potentiality of being used for practicing sensory motor
activities brain-balance achievement audiovisual stimulation trainings which
are addressed not only to adults but, if taking in account the entertaining
aspect of such audiovisual stimulation, especially for kids and teens with
inadequately developed sensory and motor systems and been assessed with a
developmental deficit struggling with learning or behavioral issues. The
audiovisual stimulating effect of such application is based on activating the
regions in the front-parietal network and oscillating at frequencies of 8-13 Hz
conditioned on beginning a visual perception task of rapidly
integrated visual information that requires rapid responding to something
unexpected and observed on the visual scene accompanied by
specifically pitched brainwave-entertainment meta-soundtrack. It is more than
likely that above-mentioned audiovisual training programs might be very effective not
only for testing and initial improving the sensory motor activities but also
for rehabilitating the deficiency of rhythm and timing, eye-muscle balance and
coordination, hearing and vision, vestibular and the ability to know where
one’s body is in space (proprioception), balance and spatial perception.
7. Taking in account very-well-known fact about that many greatest ideas, that have changed and shaken our world came to its creators in their dreams during the sleep, I theoretically predict that practicing audiovisual “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” trainings may stimulate the human brain to regularly generate a new knowledge as soon as concrete problem-solution is needed or required by concrete individual. Such trainings based on graphical representation of the concrete problem with applying Cognitively Associative Logograms Mnemotechnique principles may con to generating a new knowledge or ideas by endorphins releasing and stimulating human “sub-consciousness” to work in the way of “consciousness awareness” while sleeping that leads to producing or generating dream-events which are to be absolutely-distinctly and easily-understood by the person as “problem-solution” that is needed to be found and that will be keeping well-memorized after waking up.
The good, even though
indirect, proof of said-above is that all my ideas annotatively described
herein came to me in my dreams while having self-hypnosis meditative sleeping.
8. “Quads-art” imagery created with
applying pseudo-augmented reality
technology and exploiting principles of Cognitively
Associative Logograms Mnemotechnique are supposed to be effectively employed
as a major graphical aspect of virtual reality visioning-task application of
rapidly integrated visual information that requires quick problem-solving and
decision-making respond to any unexpected change of the visual scene being observed
with usage of “VerQAG-Helmet” incorporating electroencephalogram
feedback-interface that registers such
“respond”. This is remarkable to note that such “visual change” may
provoke or even not provoke any kind of visual stimuli reaction which, in its
turn, might be recognized as absolutely not relevant or not adequate to the
individual’s respond or reaction be either required or anticipated. Thus, by
analyzing the “VerQAG-Helmet” EEG-feedback responding statistic-data of
correlations between such “visual change” and “visual stimuli reaction” either performed
or not performed by each individual involved in a group of people
simultaneously performing the same visual task, this is theoretically possible to
expect that “Eureka effect” new knowledge of most rapid and effective problem-solving
and decision-making achievement will be generated or synthesized if being
In other words, a group of
people who are connected via the Internet and who are simultaneously performing
the same virtual reality visioning problem-solving and decision-making task
with a usage of “VerQAG-Helmet” emulates “Operative Disposal Digesting”function of SIC-system.
9. I may theoretically predict
that “Bi-Visual Fluctuations
Perception” phenomenon might be successfully exploited to diagnose
concussion and possibly to treat (or alleviate) it by practicing special
audiovisual trainings with a usage of “VerQAG-Helmet”.
10. The special audiovisual
trainings that need the usage of “VerQAG-Helmet” exploiting the effect of “Electroencephalograph-TMS Emotion and Sensation Equalizer Brain ControlFeedback Interface” stimulation by producing feedback pulse low currents in
targeted zone of cortex may positively influence on user’s alleviating the pain
and memory deficits caused by Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease, or
schizophrenia and major depressive disorder.
conducting myself-examinations and experimentation using TMS portative stimulation device, that produces single pulses of the sample rate of 528 Hz recognized
as “Love frequency and DNA integrity/repair" that correlates with “Anaglyph-Sync”
targeting frequency conditioned on 528 repetitions with 1 Hz, the “Uni-Sync” targeted
frequency, I do really anticipate achieving positive results of bi-visual
fluctuations stimulating effect that as expected causes natural boosting human
body's organic chemicals functioning as neurotransmitters (DHEA, GABA,
Endorphin, Serotonin, Dopamine) and initiates the highly-beneficial after-
waking-up individual’s states which might be described by me as “feeling-happy”
and “body-flying-lightness-sensation”.
By studying the impact of computed imaging in neurological diagnosis and neurosurgery, cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology and through the myself-experimentation of regular viewing double-screen virtual reality imagery with cognitive and mnemonic elements, I do expect to achieve, by organizing electrical-sleep myself-experimenting sessions and electroencephalography study examinations, the positive results of proving the high efficiency of “bi-visual stimulation” concept. I myself have the evidence of developing the extra ordinary ability of having experiencing “out-of-body” vivid lifelike dreams accompanied with arousal of super-pleasant sensations that has been achieved by practicing audiovisual trainings of “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY”.
11. Together with EEG research I am planning to conduct transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and event-related potentials (ERP) self-experimenting examinations together with statistic data studying and analyses which are altogether aimed to scientifically prove the reality and potential power of “Uni-Sync” and “Anaglyph-Sync” visual stimulating perception phenomena in order to trigger human body self-healing mechanisms and initiate brain hemispheres harmonization and synchronization processes accompanied by rapid activation of brainwaves of certain frequencies according to the desirable patterns.
By studying the impact of computed imaging in neurological diagnosis and neurosurgery, cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology and through the myself-experimentation of regular viewing double-screen virtual reality imagery with cognitive and mnemonic elements, I do expect to achieve, by organizing electrical-sleep myself-experimenting sessions and electroencephalography study examinations, the positive results of proving the high efficiency of “bi-visual stimulation” concept. I myself have the evidence of developing the extra ordinary ability of having experiencing “out-of-body” vivid lifelike dreams accompanied with arousal of super-pleasant sensations that has been achieved by practicing audiovisual trainings of “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY”.
11. Together with EEG research I am planning to conduct transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and event-related potentials (ERP) self-experimenting examinations together with statistic data studying and analyses which are altogether aimed to scientifically prove the reality and potential power of “Uni-Sync” and “Anaglyph-Sync” visual stimulating perception phenomena in order to trigger human body self-healing mechanisms and initiate brain hemispheres harmonization and synchronization processes accompanied by rapid activation of brainwaves of certain frequencies according to the desirable patterns.
12. There would be no doubts,
in the case if “POACH-algorithm” testing will demonstrate its
high-effectiveness for processing the problem-solving and decision-making tasks
being applicable for “Intelligence Computing Optimization Network”, that the
API-server, by handling “POACH-algorithm” pre-processing of data, will allow
every single “VerQAG-Helmet” user to receive such data, been already pre-analyzed
and pre-virtualized, and to have access to datasets for the purposes
of enhancing the brain-balance application
features, as an example. Such pre-analyzed
and pre-virtualized data-sets might be also accessed by any user, on condition
of being authorized for getting connected to the network, who employs already-excising
modern technology of virtual reality immersion.
may provide data from a single “VerQAG-Helmet” user, who initiates (application
initiator) performing certain virtual reality problem-solving and
decision-making “condition-handler” visioning-task of rapidly
integrated visual information, as an application targeted to develop certain sensor-motor
or cognitive skills and designed for practicing audiovisual game-based
trainings, simultaneously to multiple “VerQAG-Helmet” users in order
to allow them to monitor the results of such problem-solving and
decision-making processes and to learn (possibly with “copying effect”) the most effective foresee-outcomes
achieved by such “initiator” that may help them to generate “new knowledge”
based on “Eureka effect” that applies to “Art-SIB”. Thus next time the new
users initiate their own application usage so there will be no need to perform
the same visioning-task and instead of that it let’s just to jump up to the next
higher level stipulated by such application; and as result the users’ effectiveness
of audiovisual game-based trainings rapidly and enormously increases that speeds
up the certain skills development process.
acquiring EEG-TMS-datasets of multiple users “Virtually Emulated Reality of
Artificial-Cognitive Intelligence Type System” may allow any single user, by
exploiting the technology of “VERIT” together with “Synthesized Artificial Intelligence Logistics” supplement, to
use her and his cerebral activity for remote manipulation of virtual objects appeared
at the virtual reality environment scene; and thus, as a conclusion, ICON API
might be successfully exploited in neuroscience, in particular neuroinformatics.
13.“Virtually Emulated Reality of Artificial-Cognitive Intelligence Type System” as the implementation of “Intelligence Computing Optimization Network”, a server’s network API, may provide a wide range of virtualization functions for facile programming GUI- components based on EEG-TMS-enhanced neuro-feedback technology embodied in “VerQAG-Helmet”, or other technology of virtual reality immersion headsets, and might be integrated in any users’ virtual reality application work-in-progress projects ranged from basic neuroscience and behavioral scene researches to the development of innovative brain-computer interaction paradigms and innovative videogame-based voice-command feedback audiovisual trainings aimed to achieve self-healing and self-entertaining goals.
13.“Virtually Emulated Reality of Artificial-Cognitive Intelligence Type System” as the implementation of “Intelligence Computing Optimization Network”, a server’s network API, may provide a wide range of virtualization functions for facile programming GUI- components based on EEG-TMS-enhanced neuro-feedback technology embodied in “VerQAG-Helmet”, or other technology of virtual reality immersion headsets, and might be integrated in any users’ virtual reality application work-in-progress projects ranged from basic neuroscience and behavioral scene researches to the development of innovative brain-computer interaction paradigms and innovative videogame-based voice-command feedback audiovisual trainings aimed to achieve self-healing and self-entertaining goals.
14.“Virtually Emulated Reality of Artificial-Cognitive Intelligence Type System” as the implementation of “Intelligence Computing Optimization Network”
may provide audiovisual neurofeedback “condition-handler” applications,
that understand human brain interactions with virtual reality immersive state
of mind and that may generate real-life situations problem-solving and
decision-making knowledge; and that are, in particular but not limited, might be employed as applications for mind-balancing
and brain-feedback-controlling video-games
or multiple EEG-TMS- laboratories world-wide collaboration.
15. The datasets analysis
supported by EEG-TMS recordings and direct-
stimulation experiment researches will
allow elaborate the effective associative-visual trainings with a usage of
“VerQAG-Helmet” that might be very helpful not only for accurate
diagnosis but also for treatment of visual
hallucinations of numerous etiologies. The effect of such associative-visual trainings will consist in positive influencing
on the eliminating the irritation of the Brodmann's
areas of visual association cortices. The elimination of such irritation, that
normally causes both simple elementary and more complex visual hallucinations,
will be conditioned on EEG-TMS-feedback correction of associatively perceived visual
hallucinations being represented as “Quads-art” imagery created
with applying “Cognitively Associative Logograms Mnemotechnique” principles and
designed to be viewed with a usage of “VerQAG” visioning device.
on the patient prominent symptoms conditioning Anton's syndrome, migraine headaches, peduncular hallucinosis, sleep disturbances,
Charles Bonnet syndrome, dementia, and possibly delirium “Quads-art” imagery may have specific peculiarities of involving
colorful, vivid scenes with people and faces, animals and inanimate objects as
well as other patterns which embodiment in the certain graphical form depends
on the individual’s results of test-examination based on “Cognitively Associative Logograms Mnemotechnique” principles.
Together with this I may
theoretically predict that the people who are suffering because of having visual hallucinations, especially in the case of “sleep
disturbances”, might be effectively treated
by “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” and “Doubled Objects Stereo Abstracted Vision Entertainment Therapy”.
“VerQAG-Helmet” headset by exploiting the concept of Electroencephalograph-TMS
Emotion and Sensation Equalizer Brain Control Feedback Interface has a great
potentiality to be employed in the form of various applications based on visual
perception task of rapidly integrated visual information that requires quick
responding to unexpected change at the augmented reality “Quads-art”-graphic
environment scene.
Electroencephalograph-TMS Emotion and Sensation Equalizer Brain Control
Feedback Interface by registering all visual stimuli reactions performed by the
individual will produce electrical impulses as a feedback “reaction” to stimulate
the process of memorizing.
The audiovisual trainings
elaborated by me and based on the usage of “VerQAG-Helmet”
providing EEG-TMS feedback processing might be very powerful for treating
frightening events anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Another
example of potential usage of “VerQAG-Helmet” is being applicable for foreign
language learning that allows in real time and in “language-to-language”
translation and transcription semantic context, appearing cognitive mnemonic
learning elements of imaging accompanied by sound conditioned on user’s eyes
-tracking observation of the entire environmental scene and various objects
randomly picked up on the user’s choice.
[1].Doubled Objects Stereo Abstracted Vision
File number: SR 1-845123021,Registered eCO on 11/1/2012,U.S. Copyright Office,Attn: Public Information Office-LM401,Certificate of Registration: TXu 1-886-214,Effective date of registration: December 3, 2012
[2].Anaglyph Dreams Inside Out Scripting (ADIOS)/Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out (ELDIO):
Certificate of Registration: TXu 1-861-293,Effective date of registration: December 3, 2012,U.S. Copyright Office, eCO Registration No. SR 1-849955616, dated on 11/13/2012,U.S. Copyright Office, eCO Registration No. SR 1-849955616, dated on 11/13/2012,File number: SR 1-845123021,Registered eCO on 11/1/2012.
United States Patent and Trademark Office Trademark pending
1.“VERA City App Soft”
2.”Intell Com Opt Net ICON”
3. “QuACK Tech collection”
World Intellectual Property Organization Patent Cooperation Treaty
International Bureau as PCT receiving Office Trademarks Workbench:
1.VR Emulation Inter-Sys “VERA-CITy-Sys”
2.Virtual emulated-reality goggles “VerQAG”
4.QuACK-Tech: Quasi Anaglyph Cine Knack Tech
5.“Uni-Sync”: Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception
10.“Knack-Touch” Communicator: VR-Controller
[1].Doubled Objects Stereo Abstracted Vision
File number: SR 1-845123021,Registered eCO on 11/1/2012,U.S. Copyright Office,Attn: Public Information Office-LM401,Certificate of Registration: TXu 1-886-214,Effective date of registration: December 3, 2012
[2].Anaglyph Dreams Inside Out Scripting (ADIOS)/Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out (ELDIO):
Certificate of Registration: TXu 1-861-293,Effective date of registration: December 3, 2012,U.S. Copyright Office, eCO Registration No. SR 1-849955616, dated on 11/13/2012,U.S. Copyright Office, eCO Registration No. SR 1-849955616, dated on 11/13/2012,File number: SR 1-845123021,Registered eCO on 11/1/2012.
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