Each spin-off sub-project is accompanied with a Business Plan that includes “know- your-customer & know- your- product” market research financial projections, Intellectual Property Limited Appraisal Report (approximate evaluation/estimate of fair market value), Business Investments Valuation Report, Expert Evaluation certified report. All above-mentioned documents together with Patenting Appraisal Report (Determination of Fair Market Value of future patent) and Investor Opportunities Formalized Report are available at request.
Each spin-off sub-project is accompanied with a Business Plan that includes “know- your-customer & know- your- product” market research financial projections, Intellectual Property Limited Appraisal Report (approximate evaluation/estimate of fair market value), Business Investments Valuation Report, Expert Evaluation certified report. All above-mentioned documents together with Patenting Appraisal Report (Determination of Fair Market Value of future patent) and Investor Opportunities Formalized Report are available at request.
(1) Created simplified semi-interactive high-fidelity prototype that work exactly like it should.
(1) Created simplified semi-interactive high-fidelity prototype that work exactly like it should.
(2) Demonstrated and tested with performing the actual task of working-prototype solution approved.
Any-given “Certificate” or/and “Certification Report” or other officially issued document relevant to the product-prototyping assessment is available at request be made via e-mail.
“Dimanasus Prophecy"
Major Spin-off Sub-Projects Annotation
“Intellectual Property Registry” is a system of Electronically Affixed Records and Notes addressing the provision of free-decision making solutions taken aim at increasing the IP-capitalization security and high-score IP-commercialization efficiency in respect of any kind of “Undisclosed Commercial Information” (e.g. trade secret, know-how) that form the key-basis of any-given start-up innovation-based project.
“Dimanasus Prophecy"
Major Spin-off Sub-Projects Annotation

VDA-Production Project focuses on creating Virtual Digitalized Automation (VDA) in-cloud web-platform that implements virtualization, emulation and automation principles of software and applications optimization for any-sized businesses and individuals' usage.
DOSAVET-Project aims at creating software, mobile and web-applications combining BCCI (Brain- Control Computer Interface) technology with the virtual emulated-reality intelligent-agent system networks (e.g. ICON) allowing computers and smart devices remotely interacting with end-users’ components. Brain-control computer interface in comparison with brain-computer interface (BCI) offers more "self-healing through self-entertaining" benefits and goals-achieving training-based practices addressed to playing video-games and interacting with 3D virtual emulated-reality environment. BCCI also offers a new means of behavioral neurosciences and colorblindness-adaptation applications.
VERA-CITy Project focuses on creating applications, software and firmware that allow accessing the “Virtually Emulated Reality of Artificial-Cognitive Intelligence Type System” cloud-platform that unites users of “VerQAG-Helmet” and facilitates EEG-feedback processing and independent data acquisition from multiple devices over “Intelligence Computing Optimization Network”.
STEP-Project is aimed at creating software, mobile and web-applications and organizing "Sleep Therapy Experimental Program", alternatively titled as “STEP-RESEARCH”, that is an educational research program that is aiming at performing safe and perfectly controlled experiments requiring volunteers’ enrollment; and that is addressing evidencing the high efficiency of “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” practicing in achieving its goals of preventing and treating a wide range of mental disorders, psychological and sleep deprivations, and cardiovascular diseases.
5. ICON-Project
Intelligence Computing Optimization Network
ICON-Project aims at creating API-cloud-computing cross-platform infrastructure that employs most-advanced research tools, data-sets, statistical techniques and accesses to large amounts of data and faster computers enabled advances in machine learning and perception.
Integrating components of Brain-control computer interface (BCCI) System
Brain-control computer interface (BCCI) System (aka BCCI-Sys) consist ofVirtual emulated reality end-user’s components integrated in Intelligence Computing Optimization Network that exploits computer programs (software) and mobile applications as its fundamental end-users’ components.
DOSAVET-Project aims at creating software, mobile and web-applications combining BCCI (Brain- Control Computer Interface) technology with the virtual emulated-reality intelligent-agent system networks (e.g. ICON) allowing computers and smart devices remotely interacting with end-users’ components. Brain-control computer interface in comparison with brain-computer interface (BCI) offers more "self-healing through self-entertaining" benefits and goals-achieving training-based practices addressed to playing video-games and interacting with 3D virtual emulated-reality environment. BCCI also offers a new means of behavioral neurosciences and colorblindness-adaptation applications.
VERA-CITy Project focuses on creating applications, software and firmware that allow accessing the “Virtually Emulated Reality of Artificial-Cognitive Intelligence Type System” cloud-platform that unites users of “VerQAG-Helmet” and facilitates EEG-feedback processing and independent data acquisition from multiple devices over “Intelligence Computing Optimization Network”.
STEP-Project is aimed at creating software, mobile and web-applications and organizing "Sleep Therapy Experimental Program", alternatively titled as “STEP-RESEARCH”, that is an educational research program that is aiming at performing safe and perfectly controlled experiments requiring volunteers’ enrollment; and that is addressing evidencing the high efficiency of “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” practicing in achieving its goals of preventing and treating a wide range of mental disorders, psychological and sleep deprivations, and cardiovascular diseases.
ICON-Project aims at creating API-cloud-computing cross-platform infrastructure that employs most-advanced research tools, data-sets, statistical techniques and accesses to large amounts of data and faster computers enabled advances in machine learning and perception.
Integrating components of Brain-control computer interface (BCCI) System
Brain-control computer interface (BCCI) System (aka BCCI-Sys) consist ofVirtual emulated reality end-user’s components integrated in Intelligence Computing Optimization Network that exploits computer programs (software) and mobile applications as its fundamental end-users’ components.
"Experimental Lab of Dreams Inside Out”
"EL DIO" Project
Self-Experimenting Examination Program
"EL DIO" Project, be subject to direct-financing and crowd-funding campaigns, is basically focused on organizing “Self-Experimenting Examination Program” (SEE-Program) that presupposes the enrolment of volunteers and experts in EEG-feedback processing to take part in BCCI-experimental investigations addressing so called “self-entertaining and self-healing therapies”, namely “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” and “Doubled Objects Stereo Abstracted Vision Entertainment Therapy”.
“Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” phenomena, as a visual stimulus conditioned brain-game artifact, is postulated as "cause-initiator" triggering human body self-healing mechanisms and activating brain hemispheres harmonization and synchronization processes. The rapid activation of brainwaves of desirable frequency-patterns, as expected, leads to (i) triggering the effective response in brain-pleasure-center and (ii) training the brain-autonomic producing the electric signals that are causing experiencing super-pleasurable feelings and sensations while having immersed into “out-body-experiences” adaptive states of mind, in particular “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE STATE”.

3D-Vision Therapy Training: using “VerQAG” device to develop Super-Natural ability of Naked-Eye 3D-Visual Perception of HD-resolution and Anaglyph Graphics
"EL DIO" Project
"EL DIO" Project, be subject to direct-financing and crowd-funding campaigns, is basically focused on organizing “Self-Experimenting Examination Program” (SEE-Program) that presupposes the enrolment of volunteers and experts in EEG-feedback processing to take part in BCCI-experimental investigations addressing so called “self-entertaining and self-healing therapies”, namely “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” and “Doubled Objects Stereo Abstracted Vision Entertainment Therapy”.
“Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” phenomena, as a visual stimulus conditioned brain-game artifact, is postulated as "cause-initiator" triggering human body self-healing mechanisms and activating brain hemispheres harmonization and synchronization processes. The rapid activation of brainwaves of desirable frequency-patterns, as expected, leads to (i) triggering the effective response in brain-pleasure-center and (ii) training the brain-autonomic producing the electric signals that are causing experiencing super-pleasurable feelings and sensations while having immersed into “out-body-experiences” adaptive states of mind, in particular “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE STATE”.
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3D-Vision Therapy Training: using “VerQAG” device to develop Super-Natural ability of Naked-Eye 3D-Visual Perception of HD-resolution and Anaglyph Graphics
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