Sleep Therapy Experimental Program
“Self-Healing through Self-Entertaining"
"unique opportunity of contributing to
real happiness and excitement of living through having pre-modeled and life-enriching dreams"
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Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out |
The codes for Medical
Subject Headings indexing original article:
• A07 – cardiovascular system • A08 – nervous system • C10 – nervous system diseases • C14 - cardiovascular diseases • F02 - psychological phenomena and processes • F03 - mental disorders • F04 - behavioral disciplines and activities • G02 - health occupations • G04 - biological phenomena • G06 - biochemical phenomena • I03 – human activities
• I02 – education • L01 – information science • M01 – persons
• N02 – health care facilities, manpower, and services
• N04 – health services administration
• N05 – health care quality, access, and evaluation
• V03 – study characteristics (publication type)
• A07 – cardiovascular system • A08 – nervous system • C10 – nervous system diseases • C14 - cardiovascular diseases • F02 - psychological phenomena and processes • F03 - mental disorders • F04 - behavioral disciplines and activities • G02 - health occupations • G04 - biological phenomena • G06 - biochemical phenomena • I03 – human activities
• I02 – education • L01 – information science • M01 – persons
• N02 – health care facilities, manpower, and services
• N04 – health services administration
• N05 – health care quality, access, and evaluation
• V03 – study characteristics (publication type)
STEP-PROJECT (note: "STEP" stands for "Sleep Therapy Experimental Program") or else called STEP-RESEARCH is an educational research program that is aiming at performing safe and
perfectly controlled experiments focused on evidencing and
scientifical-proving the high efficacy of “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” as "a practice" of special training-based treatment addressing a wide range of mental
disorders, psychological and sleep
deprivations, and cardiovascular diseases.
The basic “STEP-RESEARCH” objectives are the followings:
- Running experimental paradigms and
configuring the electro-sleep observing;
circle training and high attitude scientific experiments;
- EEG-recording while the
volunteer performs image observing visual task before falling asleep by means
of Electrosleep Machine (electrotherapy stimulation) and soon after wakening.
The volunteers-enrolled experimental studies are focused on helping the volunteers, who suffer from parasomnia disorders and sleep deprivations,
to develop pseudo-paranormal and extra-ordinary
ability of having experiencing "Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out” in the forms of
“Virtual Life Continuous Dreaming” and “Stereopsis Enhanced Colors Enriched
Dreaming” and to take a part in the audiovisual stimulating programs, addressed
achieving the self-entertaining, personal
life-experience enriching and self-healing benefits;
evaluating the success rates of
effectiveness resulting of practicing “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY”, aimed to trigger self-healing mechanisms
during the sleep.
“STEP-RESEARCH” is designed to evidence
the prerequisite of success of
be recognized as alternative and highly effective way of helping treating sleep deprivation and sleep
disorders without a need of taking any medications, with a usage of
“VerQAG” visioning device that allows
eyes-movement tracking visual stimulation, called DOSAVET visioning training.

major objective of “STEP-PROJECT” is to create “a global village research
community” web-platform that unites life-enriching enthusiasts and
dream-therapy sympathizers worldwide and that is targeting to giving the unique
opportunity to the community members to enjoy using above-mentioned products
together with the components of “virtually emulated reality”, or else “virtual
emulated-reality”, applications and "VerQAG" device.
The initial immersion into SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE STATE is normally characterized by starting experiencing of distinct static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Such “sensation”, commonly known as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), may be associated with audiovisual synergy-synesthesia synchronization effect which is commonly conditioned on and triggered by specific visual and auditory stimuli.
The initial immersion into SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE STATE is normally characterized by starting experiencing of distinct static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Such “sensation”, commonly known as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), may be associated with audiovisual synergy-synesthesia synchronization effect which is commonly conditioned on and triggered by specific visual and auditory stimuli.
Having experiencing the feeling of any-grade-euphoria
while performing specifically designed audiovisual stimuli-conditioned task
with a usage of Ver-QAG device may
be compared with “brainwaves-massage-effect” that is conditioned on frequency-based neuro-stimulation.
Brainwaves-massage-effect is one of the
indirect indicators of initial gradually-positive achievement in developing the
ability of having "Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out” by practicing “AudioVisual Synergy-Synesthesia-Synchronization CompositingFrequency-based NeuroTherapy” (“AV3SynC-NeuroTherapy”).
Studying and improving
EEG-brain-interactions (BCI: brain-computer interface) with VER through viewing
the VER-animations;
(c) Performing safe and perfectly controlled experiments;
(d) Mind-Balance video-gaming ("glasses-free 3D" technology within a virtual emulated reality environment; 3D-dimensional controlling of the characters’ balancing using player’s EEG).
(e) Providing entertaining applications and enhanced interaction with VER- applications.
the scope of the project the Author has a vital interests in promoting
VerQAG-Helmet potentiality in the field of BCCI (Brain- Control Computer Interface) and in achieving the goal of making it powerful, intelligent and more applicable for
end-users’ everyday life relying on a creative “global village research
Brain-control computer interface in comparison with brain-computer interface (BCI) offers more self-entertaining benefits of playing video-games or interacting
with 3D virtual emulated-reality environment, subject to life-enriching and self-healing practices in behavioral neurosciences.
The Project is focused on creating the final products
and providing relevant services which are based on applying Authors’ “know-how”
methods and techniques. The Author’s theoretical assumptions, concepts and ideas behind them form the basis of Scientific Research Project, recognized as conceptually
different and potentially powerful.
practice of specifically designed visioning techniques
training together with audiovisual stimulating program, been
elaborated and developed by the Author, that aims causing the individual’s
immersion in alternate state of mind, called “self-hypnosis meditative sleeping”,
which, besides its “self-entertaining and life-goals-enriching” aspects, is to be
greatly conducive to the autonomous activation of human internal-resources and be
highly effective for purposive triggering self-healing mechanisms addressing,
in particular but not limited, to-
(a) Treating parasomnia disorders and sleep deprivations;
(b) Helping of getting rid of nightmares, sleep horror and
terror (pavor nocturnus), sleepwalking (somnambulism);
(c) Eliminating imposed ideas syndrome and enduring stressful
(d) Treating post-traumatic stress (PTSD), bipolar and generalized
anxiety disorders.
The specifically designed visioning
techniques training, abbreviated as “SHIFT”
decoded as “Self-Hypnosis Illustrations Filtering Training”, is
addressed to viewing or watching the short-length animations (series of
animated images) that depict the events and characters’ acting (objects-in-action
involved into such events), each of which is a visual embodiment of the individual’s cognitive mnemonic
associations presented in the form of crypt-graphics.
The set of individual’s crypt-graphics (cognitive mnemonic
associative illustrations) form so called
AVAIL-matrix, decoded as AudioVisual Associative Illustrations Library, which is used for creating the visualizations that form
the basis of the audiovisual stimulating program practicing based on exploiting
visioning techniques.
The application of the certain visioning techniques
is basically conditioned on the specifics of the graphics, designed to be
viewed either with a usage of special devices or without (3D glasses-less
graphics) such ones as the followings:
- anaglyph goggles;
- VerQAG.
The individual who would
is just needed to watch the specifically designed animated images in
series (short-length video) according to the individual program, normally 1-2
hour(s) before bed-time; and “the rest of the good work” will be done by the individual’s
The animated images in series, presented
in the form of short-length cartoon, are called “CRYPTEX” video that is to be
accompanied by soundtrack (sounds and music mix) composed in an optimal way to
achieve a 3D- audible self-presence and that is targeted to be listened with a
usage of headphones.
The “self-entertaining and life-enriching”
aspects of “SELF-HYPNOSIS
MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY” consist in developing
the extra ordinary ability of having "Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out” in the
forms of “Virtual Life Continuous Dreaming” and “Stereopsis Enhanced Colors
Enriched Dreaming”; both to be recognized as virtual self-realization and
self-entertaining sleep-dreaming that is represented in events which cannot be
experienced in the real life but still desired to be happened and experienced.
MEDITATIVE SLEEP” is a meditative state of sleeping that causes the emulation
of the self-hypnosis process together with the immersion of experiencing consciously-recognized
virtual reality sleep-dreaming episodes called "Experiencing
Live Dreaming Inside Out”; and thus it is not about “inducing deep
self-hypnotic trance” and it does not need “a magical fool-proof method”.
It is very
important to emphasize that “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP” state is not to be
recognized or associated with hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations, and in
particular with narcolepsy. So taking in
account that such hallucinations, which are visual and auditory
perceptions occurring during sleep onset or on awakening, may be bizarre and dreamlike with some preservation of
consciousness, STEP-RESEARCH
is also focusing on proving that the immersion in “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP”
state is not conditioned on patient’s suffering from insomnia, excessive
daytime sleepiness, or mental disorders which are more likely causing
experiencing hallucinations. Thus, as a conclusion, “SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE
SLEEP” state immersion might be potentially recognized as “no- drugs and neuroleptic
medications” alternative for differential diagnosis and treatment addressing to hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations,
frequently associated with narcolepsy, and included in the diagnostic criteria
for such disorder.
characterized by initial consciously perceiving the reality of physical
presence of “something being” that causes the Dreamer to be “paralyzed”
however, after the verbal interaction with that “something being” by using
specifically formulated phrases called «Key Interosculation Phrases» the
Dreamer observes the vanishing of that “something being” into “the light” that
in its turn initiates the Dreamer’s having “Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside
Out”. The “something being” appeared in a dream is called “Divine Outset” and the process of its vanishing into “the light” is accompanied by experiencing extremely pleasant feelings which are quite similar to “going into ecstasies”.
«Key Interosculation Phrases» are patterns of interpolated
self-hypnosis phrases which verbal form is to be constructed and formulated by
using the principles of “cognitive associative mnemonics” elaborated by the
«Key Interosculation Phrases» are used for programming and
modeling the scenario of "Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out” episodes
according to the personal preferences of the Dreamer.
Training-based Audio-Visual Therapy
“SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY”, as an audio-visual therapy,
targeted to stimulate the process initiation of brain hemispheres
synchronization and harmonization conditioned on an immersion in
self-hypnosis meditative sleep-state and to activate triggering self-healing
mechanisms, might be very helpful,that is very
likely but still in theory, for rehabilitating and possibly healing
cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders and psychological problems.
Having experiencing “Stereopsis Enhanced
Colors Enriched Dreaming” and “Virtual Life Continuous Dreaming” may positively
result eliminating or substituting normally having night terrors and nightmares
as well as may help individual not elaborate motor activity, such as a
thrashing of limbs which may include punching, swinging, or fleeing motions,
thus it helps to prevent or even cure sleepwalking disorder.
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Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside Out |
Training-based Program
MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY Training-based Program requires the usage of VerQAG-device for viewing/observing special graphics (aka
STEP-graphics) designed to cause “Anaglyph-Sync” and “Uni-Sync” visual perception effects conditioned on “Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” Phenomenon that stimulates brain hemispheres harmonization and synchronization processes and that "serves", by activating producing pulse rectangular current on human cerebral structures, as
“stimulant and therapeutic electro-optimisator” for rapidly auto-launching triggers of self-healing mechanisms during a sleep.

Author-Branded Know-How Methods and Techniques
1.“Anaglyph Dreams Inside Out
Scripting” (the Author’s
term abbreviated as “ADIOS”) is both a scripting
visualization method that exploits computer anaglyph graphic technique to be
applied for pictorial interpretation of initial audio-visual associations into
specifically revised imaginary conceptions embodied into variety of objects
further appeared, as scenario scripted characters and personages, into episodes
of anaglyph 3D artworks that results (by regular practicing of viewing it using
stereo glasses or virtual reality goggles with red-blue, red-green, blue-yellow lenses or filters
according to vision training program) individual’s developing of the pseudo-paranormal, self-healing and
life-experience enriching hidden human resources, cognitive abilities by having "Experiencing
Live Dreaming Inside Out” dreams accompanied
by arousing of pleasant, joyous feelings and positive emotions during the
2.“Oxymoronic objects choreography and paradoxical oxymora antithesis visualization” is a set of author’s “know-how” imagery making methods including
Cognitive Oxymoron Graphic visualization technique that call visual attention
to an apparent contradiction (superficially scenes contradictory) of objects in
actions or non-actions which are deliberately intended to confuse by causing visual cognitive discord but at the same time to
provoke a laugh.
3.STALKING DREAMS ANALYSIS is non-standard, creatively approached method of analysis
and interpretation of dreams which might be applied in order to create
anti-stress and anti-boredom associative visual perception pictorial
Anaglyph Graphic” is a
computer cameraless “hand-made” stereo-graphic created by applying author's
methods and techniques of the associative, cognitive and mnemonic visual
imaging art with elements of optical illusions and represented usually in the
collage-animated form which is specifically designed to be viewed either using
anaglyph goggles or virtual reality head-mounted display equipped with a pair
of red-blue (cyan), red-green and yellow-blue (cyan) detachable optical
filters. The pair of red-blue colours is the basic for anaglyph graphic to be
viewed starting experiencing the positive influence of special visioning
effects and together with “red-green” and “yellow-blue (cyan)” are used for so
called “self healing through self-entertaining ” vision therapy practicing developed by the Author. Cognitive Anaglyph
Graphic includes the elements of optical illusions and mnemonic
associative-visual interpretation intellectual art imaging and targeted to
cause visual cognitive discord.
5.“Feng Shui”
pictorial visualization is the Author’s imagery making technique to be applied
“to place” various objects onto the image background scene according to
principles elaborated by the Author and which are based on specifically
designed painting making “braking rules” method together with “Visual Digest
Aspects” visualization algorithm.
Generated-processing algorithms
applied to create individualized graphic
1.Aspects Visualization or Visual Digest Aspects visualization is the
algorithm of visual interpretation of wide range of associations towards concrete
objects, action or terms to be converted into imagery presentation of dreams
2.Visualization Interpretation is the imagery presentation algorithm
of converting the associative objects into concrete objects to be appeared into
the dreams episodes in concrete actions.
Oxymora Visualization is the imagery presentation algorithm of converting
concrete objects in action that cause visual cognitive discord
targeted to generate other objects in action that create new associative image
Visualization is the algorithm of converting bad dream or nightmare
episodes (thesis) into so called “anti-dream” episodes (antithesis).
5.Scenario Scripted Imaging is the algorithm of generating the new
scenario for the dream that is
associative-based correlated to the original dream and intended to be experienced
while sleeping according to individual priorities.
6.Associations Embodiment is the algorithm of imagery embodiment of
original audio or visual associations into the objects playing in dreaming
episodes scenes.
Doubled Objects Stereo Abstracted Vision:
number: SR 1-845123021
eCO on 11/1/2012
Copyright Office
Attn: Public Information Office-LM401
Anaglyph Dreams Inside Out Scripting (ADIOS)/Experiencing Live Dreaming Inside
Out (ELDIO):
U.S. Copyright Office,
eCO Registration No. SR 1-849955616, dated on 11/13/2012
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