Innovative computer software and mobile applications

I, Dzmitry Alyaksandravich Vasilyeu, the Author and the copyright holder of this manuscript, written in behalf of the "Author", hereby publish it under the Creative Commons International License ( with 
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Computer software and mobile applications
 "Integrating components of Brain-control computer interface (BCCI) System"

Brain-control computer interface (BCCI) System (aka BCCI-Sys) consist of Virtual emulated reality end-user’s components integrated in Intelligence Computing Optimization Network that exploits computer programs (software) and mobile applications as its fundamental end-users’ components.

Each Project, aimed to create below-mentioned products and  presented at this Blog, is accompanied with a Business Plan that   includes “know- your- customer & know- your- product” market research financial projections, Intellectual Property Limited Appraisal Report (approximate evaluation/estimate of fair market value), Business Investments Valuation Report, Expert Evaluation certified report. All above-mentioned documents together with Patenting Appraisal Report (Determination of Fair Market Value of future patent) and Investor Opportunities Formalized Report are available at request.

Purposes of the Project evaluation:

-Investments agreement, Business ownership interest, Commercial IP License Agreement; Knowledge Technology and Material transfer Agreement; Internal Products Development; Company Authorized Capital  Assets formation; Distribution & Confidential Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Copyrighted and Proprietary name License Agreement, Trade Mark (Brand) License Agreement.

The “FINANCIAL PARTICIPANT” who is “new opportunities” business-making oriented   individual, if desired, might be appointed as Authorized Distributor of above-mentioned products and services that will allow receiving commissions under the relevant Agreement signed.
Any individual, who may enhance and ameliorate any of the Projects with new ideas and experiences, may expect to become “co-author” that allows gaining co-royalties and co-dividends.
Each “FINANCIAL PARTICIPANT” will have priority of joining the Testing Team (mobile application, computer program testing) and being paid for performing such duties according to the relevant Agreement signed. 


“DOSAVET” audiovisual application (aka "DOSAVET-App" or “DOS-App”) is based on exploiting specific graphics, called DOS-Graphics (DOS: Double Objects Stereo-vision), that is conceptually designed to be viewed using Virtual emulated-reality quasi-anaglyph goggles (aka “VerQAG”).

  DOS-Graphics is to be accompanied by “Audio Digest Aspects” soundtrack that is recommended to be listened using head-phones.
DOS-Graphics is presented in the form of series of anaglyph animated images or video-clip, designed as "virtual cinematographic” interactive- game-functionality animated cartoon.

It is supposed that animated cartoon form will raise enormously the children and adolescences’ interest to practice “DOSAVET” training program to be entertained; and thus the healing- treatment effect goes extremely quickly and much positively-resulted in.

DOS-Apps are designed to simulate a physical presence in 3D virtual emulated reality world and to allow a wide range of interactive functions like for instance, cutting and inserting images (personal or family members‘photographs) to be animated as “personification objects” and appeared in DOS-Graphics visualizations in the form of “characters/ personages”.

“Personification object” literally means a cutting from personal photographs which are individually associated with certain remarkable life-event and happy moments linked to experiencing pleasant emotions and positive feelings. In most cases, the picking up the cutting from “childhood and adolescence” photographs is a best choice.

One of the interactive functioning features of DOS-Apps is to allow end-user’s manipulating with “Personification objects” such as:

-changing alignment, size and colors;

- performing series of object’ activities that cause the influence on objects actions into the selective scenes;

-applying Stereographic Algorithm, Characters Generating Gamma colors and Image Split-Doubling Effects.

DOS-App specific enhanced interactive functions are available if using mobile application jointly with a computer program/software, subject to patenting under “DOS-Soft” working-name (trade-mark).

DOS-Soft intuitively-understood options allow user:

- to load personal photos and images in PNG, GIF, TGA, etc. formats from personal computer,  mobile gadgets and popular  social networks profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, etc.) in order to use them as “making self-personages in episode-actions”  as desired;
- to change episode and plot events according with personal preferences as well as to create their-self “spin-off” animation stories;
         - to cut background of personal photos and insert them into the scenes as a separate objects in action;
         - to create double-imaging scenes and animations;
         -to create virtual emulated reality environment;
         -to emulate 3D anaglyph imaging scenes for loading any cut-background photos and images, converted into anaglyph form;
        - to insert and animate “AVATAR” or “self-hero-personage”;
        - to choose, pick up and manipulate with any objects at the user’s choice.
DOS-App and DOS-Soft interaction mode:

-Wi-Fi (Mobile Hotspot);
- USB-Tethering.

“VerQAG” or “VerQAG-Helmet” interaction mode:

-      Bluetooth;
-      Wi-Fi (Mobile Hotspot).

DOS-App and DOS-Soft are supposed to be integrated into so called “Gaming-4-Social-Networking” web-platform that allows in particular, end-users’ gaining the access to additional functionality options such as-

(a)                       creating user’s “AVATAR” profiles in virtual emulated reality environment;

(b)                       taking distant-learning courses;

(c)                       passing specific online testing and examinations;

(d)                       enrolling in specifically designed visioning training       (e.g. “Virtual Targeting Eyes-Tracking Visioning”);
(e)                       enrolling in mind-balancing training programs;
(f)                        video-gaming in “self-healing through self-entertaining” VER-environment.

The detailing of specific features of web-platform, computer program and mobile application that enhance their functionalities is not in focus of this publication.
Please, note that Figures Legend and Supplementary Data, presented in the form of demo-screen-shots and published herein or at other web-resources contain function-buttons, usually colored in red & blue, which are deliberately not specified and marked as “not specified” or “n/s”).

The very special areas scooping “DOSAVET” Project, or else “extra-scope”, subject to spin-off sub-project, titled “DOS-AVER” (trademarks pending), are-

(a)         Conducting an experimental research into the uses of “VerQAG”-Helmet” as “Brain Endorphins Equalizer” application (“BEE- App”/ trademarks pending) jointly with “Halloo.C.Nations- App” (trademarks pending), that is addressed to the visual hallucinations treatment, based on  dopamine-blocking activity, that might be theoretically conditioned on “Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception” phenomenon;

(b)          Conducting an experimental research into the uses of “VerQAG”-Helmet” as a fundamental component of Brain-control computer interface (BCCI) system.

 Thus in particular, “DOS-AVER” sub-project objective  is to prove that “Halloo.C.Nations-App” might be exploited   addressing to  finding the effective alternative for the visual hallucination differential diagnosis and treatment, including some causes of visual hallucinations that have no definitive treatment and that have different etiologies such as Psychosis, Delirium, Dementia, Charles Bonnet syndrome,Anton's syndrome, Seizures, Migraines, Peduncular hallucinosis, Sleep disturbances, Drug effects, Tumors, Inborn errors of metabolism, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

The join application of “Halloo.C.Nations- App” and “BEE- App” is aimed to be recognized as “DOS-AVER” cognitive behavioral therapy.

The main concept of computer program/software (aka “STEP-Soft”) and mobile application (aka “STEP-App”) graphics (aka STEP-Graphics) treatment consists in creating the online-accessed library of specifically designed imagery presented in the forms of quasi-anaglyph and “3D glasses free” compositions, which might be available for end-users’ usage. Taking in consideration each individual's priorities and the intention to get enrolled in chosen audiovisual training program, elaborated by the Author, the STEP-Graphics online-accessed library content is targeted to different age categories.

“STEP-App” and “STEP-Soft” graphics are intended to be presented in a few forms that depend on the way of viewing and screening them either on the computer or mobile gadgets with or without using  special visioning devices, such as either an anaglyph goggles or   "VerQAG" visioning headset- device.

      The images are to be created with applying cognitive-mnemonic, optical illusions and “oxymora/oxy-moron” associative visualization techniques, developed by the Author, together with the exploiting images of Tarot cards as an event-associative illustrations aid. The usage of caricature and fake images of “easy-recognizable-people” (celebrities, etc.) is addressing to sourcing of cognitive mnemonic oxymora- illustrative associations which are normally common and not-depending on cultural and ethnic peculiarity.

     The usage of VerQAG visioning device increases the effectiveness of SELF-HYPNOSIS MEDITATIVE SLEEP-THERAPY practicing, especially if using VerQAG device. Designed to cause Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception visioning effects VerQAG is to be used for viewing, according to the individualized vision training program, specifically composed, as cognitive mnemonic associative  imagery, been  embodied into diversity of animated objects aimed resulting in experiencing pleasant emotions and positive feelings by the viewer.

The process of creating STEP-Graphics includes setting out to use Author’s “dream aspects interpretation” method that allows making visual representation of the desired and pre-modeled dream(s) which might be presented either as series of animated images or short video-clips (animated cartoon) that contain the essential elements of the individual’s original dream content, been interpreted according to the Author’s “Dreams Inside Out” concept.  Thus for instance, if the individual would like to get rid of reiterated bad dream and nightmare (sleep horror or terror), on condition that at least one episode of such dreaming has been remembered, the major objective of applying “Dreams Inside Out” concept is to transmute the bad dream or nightmare episode into a useful and creative pictorial tool for positive imagery transformation.
The individualized vision training program requires the individual to watch STEP-Graphics, presented in the form of series of animated images or video-clip(s), a few times in raw at least two hours before sleep-time that normally   takes no more than 30 minutes.
The basic “STEP-App” interactive functions are to be “intuitively-understood” and to allow end-user’s operating or manipulating objects on the screen (changing objects alignment, size, and colors and performing series of objects’ activities).
“STEP-App” specifically-enhanced interactive functions are available if used jointly with a computer program/software, subject to patenting under “STEP-Soft” working-name (trade-mark),

“STEP-Soft” will allow the end-user:

- to load personal photos and images in PNG, GIF, TGA, etc. formats from personal computer,  mobile gadgets and popular  social networks profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, etc.) in order to use them as “making self-personages in episode-actions”  as desired;
- to change episode and plot events according with personal preferences as well as to create their-self “spin-off” animated dreams stories;
- to cut background of personal photos and insert them into the scenes as a separate objects in action;
- to create double-imaging scenes;
-to edit storyboard virtual reality screening frames;
-to emulate 3D anaglyph imaging scenes;
-to load photos and images and to make them cut-background and converted into anaglyph form;
- to insert and animate “self-hero-personage” with basic movements;
- to choose, pick up and manipulate with additional objects.

“STEP-App” and “STEP-Soft” interaction mode:

-Wi-Fi (Mobile Hotspot);

“STEP-App” and “STEP-Soft” are to be integrated into  so called “Gaming-4-Social-Networkingweb-platform that allows in particular,  end-users’ gaining the access to additional functionality options and creating user’s “AVATAR” profiles in virtual emulated reality environment.

VerQAG interaction mode:

- Bluetooth;
-Wi-Fi (Mobile Hotspot).

The detailing of specific features of web-platform, computer program and mobile application that enhance their functionalities is not in focus of this publication.
Please, note that Figures Legend and Supplementary Data, presented in the form of demo-screen-shots and published herein or at other web-resources contain function-buttons, usually colored in red & blue, which are deliberately not specified and marked as “not specified” or “n/s”).

The STEP-Graphics samples presented in the form of demo screen-shots, created byapplying the elementary principles of cognitive-mnemonic and “oxymora/oxy-moron” associative visualization techniques together with “Dreams Inside Out”-STALKING DREAMS ANALYSIS and “Dreaming Upside Down”-Psychological Aspects Visualization Interpretation methods are might be seen at this Facebook Page.
“STEP-App” and “STEP-Soft” are supposed to use “Audio Digest Aspects” soundtrack(s).

“Audio Digest Aspects” (abbreviated as “ADA-Tech”) is a music-sound synestesia-effect technology that is addressing to sound-mix unusual experiences of hearing sounds and specifically composed music with a usage of VerQAG-Helmet (EEG-feedback to increase the activation of brain regions involved in sound perception, thus demonstrating their “virtual emulated reality”, and similarity to real sound perception).


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